Updated on
22 November
- Korean
Quality Point(s): 8
Answer: 1
Like: 2
English (US)
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22 November
Formal translation:Play rock-paper-scissors with one round removed.
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Casual translation:Let's play rock-paper-scissors with one round taken out.
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Explanation in Korean:위의 번역에서 "Play"와 "Let's play"는 각각 공식적인 표현과 비공식적인 표현입니다. "rock-paper-scissors"는 가위바위보를 의미하는 공식적인 용어이며, "with one round removed"와 "with one round taken out"은 각각 공식적인 표현과 비공식적인 표현입니다. 이러한 표현들이 번역 결과를 공식적이거나 비공식적으로 만들어줍니다.
Play rock-paper-scissors with one round removed.
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Let's play rock-paper-scissors with one round taken out.
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22 November
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 1034
Answer: 239
Like: 162
가위 scissor
바위 rock
보 paper (Paper is 종이 but they say 보 as paper)
가위바위보 하나빼기
I don't think it has a specific meaning, 하나 is one in native korean numbers
빼기 is subtraction
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22 November
- English (US)
Quality Point(s): 725
Answer: 204
Like: 165
In the state that I live, I often say it as "rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"
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